jingi wallah

Welcome to the Northern Rivers Rail Trail

Northern Rivers Rail Trail between Murwillumbah and Crabbes Creek reopens on Saturday 15 March. Hazards remain along the trail, including debris, uneven surfaces, and slippery conditions after Tropical Cyclone Alfred. By using the trail, visitors acknowledge the presence of these hazards and assume full responsibility for their safety. We cannot accept liability for injury or damage resulting from current conditions.

Your journey starts here

The Northern Rivers Rail Trail connects you to stunning landscapes, local towns, and great places to eat, stay, and explore. Whether you’re riding, walking, or running, it’s easy to plan your trip with bike hire, shuttles, and accommodation options along the way. Start your journey today and experience the best of the region at your own pace.

Explore the Northern Rivers Rail Trail

New South W ales Queensland S t o k er s S i d i n g Dunbible Byron Bay M u r w i l l u m b a h C a s i n o M o o b al l Upper Bu r r i n g b a r Bu r r i n g b a r M u ll u m b i m b y Billinudgel C r a bb e s C r e e k B a n g al o w L i s m o r e B e n t l e y Eltham Booyong Bexhill Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek 24 km – now open Casino to Lismore 29.7 km – now open North Lismore and Byron – proposed 0 10 8 6 Kilometres 4 2 Zoom in
New SouthWales Queensland StokersSiding Dunbible Byron Bay Murwillumbah Casino Mooball Upper Burringbar Burringbar Mullumbimby Billinudgel CrabbesCreek Bangalow Lismore Bentley Eltham Booyong Bexhill Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek 24 km – now open Casino to Lismore 29.7 km – now open North Lismore and Byron – proposed 0 10 8 6 Kilometres 4 2 BACK

Ready to explore?

When completed, the Northern Rivers Rail Trail will provide 132 km of relaxation through expansive vistas and breathtaking scenery. Right now, you can choose to embark on a Northern Rivers adventure, with the Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek (24 km) and Casino to Lismore (29.7 km) sections now open. Immerse yourself in the soul of New South Wales as you journey through vibrant communities, discovering local flavours, culture, and stunning landscapes along the way.  Start planning your journey and get ready to explore.
